What is an eID?

Electronic identification (eID) devices, also called ‘eID devices’ allow individual identification of animals. The devices have a Radio Frequency Identifier (RFID) microchip, which has a distinctive 16-digit internal serial number, also known as an RFID number. When "read" by a handheld wand or panel reader, this RFID number can be electronically recorded.

The RFID is linked to an external visual code (NLIS ID) that is the unique visual identifier for the tagged animal. Both the RFID serial number and the NLIS ID are connected in the NLIS database to uniquely identify individual animals.

What Can I Do With an eID?

The implementation of electronic identification (eID) in sheep and goats is aimed at enhancing traceability and biosecurity within the livestock industry. eIDs enhance the ability to identify and trace individual food and fibre producing animals and their products by:

  • Providing more accurate and timely traceability of animals

  • Improving the ability of authorities to respond quickly to disease outbreaks or food safety concerns

  • Reducing the number of animals and producers impacted (including animals destroyed) in response to an emergency disease

  • Reducing the time that Australia is restricted from export markets following an emergency disease or residue incident.

eID is a Powerful tool, it turns a flock of sheep into a group of individuals.

  • Highly efficient and accurate process compared to paper records or manual computer entry.

  • Creates a lifetime ‘resume’ on individual animals based on traits and data that is important to your business.

  • Allows comparison of individual animal performance to aid in management, selection, and pursuit of breeding objectives and business goals.

  • Accurate recording of animal health & chemical treatments.

  • Analysis of data to create performance indexes - facilitates assessment of productivity in $ value/head.

Key Implementation Dates

1 January 2025

  • Mandatory eID for all sheep and farmed goats born from this date, prior to leaving property of birth

  • Mandatory eID scanning and upload by saleyards and depots

  • Mandatory eID property to property transfers

1 January 2027

  • Mandatory eID for all sheep and farmed goats prior to leaving any property